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It is a vast genre, hence it can include a discussion on any topic or subject, bringing its audience to attention and raising awareness on a particular topic, event or issue. The author can blend in some humor or criticism with satire.

Satire is a unique literary writing. Authors make poignant arguments about any and every topic that they intend to take under their discussion. However, the writer needs to very selective and cautious in his selection of words, giving less stress upon ridicule and focusing more on presenting his outlook. Even while adding humor and jokes, the author needs to pay attention to all the subtleties as every reader might not feel the same about it and hence, get offended.

However, satire is not about exposing facts and revealing people. It is taking an extreme stance on a certain issue, making a point all the way through. No doubt, it requires some irreverence that will pierce through the mind and heart of the reader. It is risky but important to make a dissimilarity between every perspective.

Satire is all about making an observation about a certain subject, wishing for it to revolutionize and in return using satire combined with humor to make that opinion and idea accessible to the readers. There is a fine line that makes satire a tool for mockery and ridicule or either a means to oppose and condemn a certain matter.

Hence, satire is an art. It uses unique strategies to make its point all along its way and leave a valid impression that leads the reader to ponder.

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