First impression is the last impression, no wonder, as even before the reader opens the book, a good cover design will make that choice even easier. Hence, we have a team of designers to provide that unique and pioneering cover design and a skilled professional typesetting in order to attract the reader’s eye.
Cover Design is the first thing that attracts the reader’s eye, persuading him to approach the rack. Because a book cover is its face, therefore, it raises the reader’s expectations. Only when a reader has picked up the book do they actually read anything, and that includes the back cover blurb that you will have spent hours and hours and if the blurb was worth all that effort, then the cover is equally if not more deserving. Of course, other things are taken into account but all that effort should not be compromised because of one wrong element. Whereas, typesetting is that technical format that goes unnoticed to an untrained eye. Our typographers can go on and on about legibility and readability but the details that typographers obsess over profoundly affect the experience of a text. A beautifully-set type will interest the reader to a great extent, making it a friendly to read book.
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